Beauty, it’s something every young woman strives to have. Unfortunately our modern day culture has taken something that is so simple, beautiful & lovely, and has twisted it into a hammer. The definition of beauty has changed from modest & simple, to sexy and hot. Young women everywhere are being pressured from every angle to fall into the belief that if you don’t dress outwardly appealingly to men you are quote, “not cool” or, “ugly.” The spirit of worldly beauty is everywhere, at home, school, work and even the modern day church as accepted the modern dress code for women. The media constantly bombards us with messages that tell us if you don’t buy the expensive make-up, perfume, jewelry, and most importantly, those tight reveling outfits you will not be popular, pretty or respected. But what these fad designers fail to understand is that there really are girls and women out there that don’t want to look like a model, and it has made it nearly impossible to find anything decent to wear within a mall or clothing store. The word “beauty” has been taken and made out to be something it’s not. The true beauty of a woman is not how hot she can look but true beauty lies within the heart.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30 These days women are demanding that men respect them, but how can a man respect you, when you don’t even respect yourself? You may not realize it, but when you lower yourself to the point where you have to look like everyone else to feel cherished and valued you are dishonoring your integrity and self respect. You should be able to feel loved and respected because of who you are not because of how hot you look, but still this is the message that has been pounded into our heads. You need to look PERFECT, hair, nails, skin, face, lips clothes, all need to look PERFECT, or else. But as a young girl striving to obey God’s commands to you, a young women, none of these things are on the list. But He does tell us to be meek, quite, cheerful and helpful. As you probably know all to well, these are not the messages that our culture & media have been sending us. Which is why we need to immerse ourselves in scripture and God’s commands to the younger generation.
I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. 1 Titus 5:14 A young women in this generation that is capable of sitting up straight, looking you in the eye and saying yes sir or yes mama is a very rare thing. We have been taught that being disrespectful to our superiors, either our parents or teacher is so called, “cool.” But this is not cool; it makes you look disrespectful, (because it is) and immature, that is not “cool” at all. A young woman that is a good example of a Proverbs 31 woman is prized far above rubies. Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies! Proverbs 31:10 One of the aspects of virtuous woman is her modest apparel. They are usually easy to spot, you know, the girl with a skirt that actually goes past her knees, and a loosely fitted T-shirt, instead of that little tank top with everything showing. For a young girl that looking for Mr. Right, it makes it a lot easier for him to find her if she is dressed modestly. The young men that have been working with their dad and have grown up being taught what to look for in good woman all their life can easily tell the difference. The few godly young men that are out there will look at a young girl that is dressed provocatively and it doesn’t even cross his mind that he might consider her as a future wife. But when he sees a young woman dressed modestly and she has a peaceful spirit about her and is cheerful and helpful, this is the girl he will consider. Unfortunately there are not many girls like this out there. I don’t know about you, but I want to find a young man that has a heart after God and is fairly well along the sanctification process. I could go into more detail but not right now, maybe I’ll write an article about what to look for in a young man if you are at a marriageable age. Anyways, my point is when a young women plays around with the way that she dresses the less and less chances that she find a young man even close to these specifications. The path that most of these teenage hottys take is one of pain and agony. Proverbs 31:15b the way of transgressors is hard. That’s not the path God wants for us, He said that He would that we would have life, and have it more abundantly. Not only is it safer to dress modestly, but it is also personally fulfilling to know that you are representing Christ everywhere you go. If you are new to this whole modesty thing and don’t know where to find clothes, there are very few options for you. What most of us have done is make our own skirts that actually go past the knee; maybe that is why sewing is included in the long list of credentials in Proverbs 31. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. Proverbs 31:19. But don’t give up hope, every once in a while you will find a nice skirt in your average clothing store, and it’s not impossible to find a modest blouse either. But our clothing designers sure had to make it hard didn’t they? I’m not saying that dressing modestly is easy, particularly if you are currently enrolled in the public schooling system. I am home schooled and I still get snickers and laughs from the teenagers that don’t know any better. When you signed up to be a Christian, He didn’t say it would be a walk in park. No, being a Christian means that you are going against the grain, against our culture. At some point in your life as a Christian you will be persecuted for your faith in some way or another, for some that means being killed for preaching the Word of God, and for others that means getting laughed at from the teenage girls at the mall because your skirt is 10 times longer then theirs. Hot, or modest, it's your choice. Modesty, it’s not just a way of living it’s a statement to God.
God Bless, Abigail Prudence