December 25, 2009

Award Ceremony!

First, Merry Christmas everyone! I figured that the holidays would be a great time for me to come up with a purity award of some kind and this is what I came up with thanks to PSE (Photo Shop Elements). The following blogs I have awarded The Pure Content Blog Award. Every writer that is receiving this award has proven in their writings that they are seeking to follow God with all their heart and are trying to share what they have learned with others.

~Waiting Rose

~Calico Zak

~Christian Maidens Throughout the World

~A Hot Heart

Special Thanks to Hannah T. Not only has she been a wonderful friend, her blog was the first blog of any kind I had ever seen and I was very impressed. Calico Zak's writings have been a pleasure to read, most often they make me laugh, smile or both! Miss Zara, you are in my prayers every single day. I always get excited when I see that you have made a new post, and may God give you healing to your body in Jesus Name! Earwen, I LOVE your posts, you are a extremely talented writer and you have a, Hot Heart for God! May God Bless each of you and give you a great holiday weekend with your families.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Abigail!

Anonymous said...

Your new background looks very cute!

Calico Zak said...


~Calico Zak

Anonymous said...

I found this blog and I have to say it looks cool I love your side widget at the very top!! Where did you get it? (Please answer on my blog)
I'm now a follower on your blog and I hope you'll become one on mine!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the one at the very top, right hand corner!!! Thanks for becoming a follower!! :D